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  • The United States Demands That Visa Applicants Submit Their Social Media Information

The United States Demands That Visa Applicants Submit Their Social Media Information

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Newly-implemented rules in the USA now stipulate that Visa applicants to the USA who have the intention of studying or working will have to hand over their social media names and five years’ worth of email addresses and phone numbers.

The new rules are expected to include exemptions for certain diplomatic and official visa applicants.

“We are constantly working to find mechanisms to improve our screening processes to protect US citizens, while supporting legitimate travel to the United States,” the department reportedly said.

Previously, only applicants from countries controlled by Terrorist organisations had to hand over this information but due to new stringent immigration laws imposed by the Trump administration, most Visa applicants will be required to hand over this information.

An official who spoke to the Hill warned that anyone who handed in fake information faces, “serious immigration consequences”.

The Trump administration had initially proposed the new rules in March of last year but it’s not until now that Trump’s promised “extreme vetting” of immigrants is finally starting to be put into action.

Last Friday, the President also issued a strong warning to Mexico to curb the problem of illegal immigration or face gradually rising tariffs from the United States.

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